
Kickass Bad Boys For Life to smart 1080p tv






resume Marcus and Mike have to confront new issues (career changes and midlife crises), as they join the newly created elite team AMMO of the Miami police department to take down the ruthless Armando Armas, the vicious leader of a Miami drug cartel
8,2 / 10 Stars
writed by Peter Craig
Star Will Smith


Level 1 Location: Scope Cinemas, Colombo City Centre mall, Sri Lanka. level 2 Did you take your picture level 1 Nice find. I watched the film yesterday and was pleasantly surprised, the cinematographer seemed to channel some synthwave vibes in places. Even if the rest of the film was garbage. level 2 Only saw the trailer, which looks like it goes back to the roots of BB. level 1 Reminds me of American Gladiators. level 1 Im so confused. How is this related to bad boys? It looks like an art exhibit for lgbtq Egyptians. level 2 Probably related to the music video The Black Eyed Peas did for the movie. level 1 Well this shit is literally gonna be what kills the medium. Total mainstream over-saturation doing nothing new with the style. level 2 Isnt this sub pretty repetitive already? I like the style but most of the stuff posted in here or instagram looks the same. so who cares if they dont innovate either lol level 2 I wouldnt worry about it. Bad Boys is a Miami movie, and Miami has always embraced the aesthetics of Miami vice. The Miami Heat(Vice city jerseys) puma(ocean drives) and adidas have used vapor wave style colors over the years. level 2 TIL introducing people to a style is bad. level 2 Man tbh I love the look and am happy to see it anywhere I can. level 1 Based on the Ritmo music video? level 2 definitely inspired by that Dedicated to the synthwave music scene, a revisionist 80s music style of synthesizers and pulsing beats, and the retrofuturist 80s aesthetic of fast cars, neon lights and chrome. Reddit Inc 2020. All rights reserved.

Level 2 And the Blart Wars Part 1 and 2. level 2 You joke, until Paul Blart 3 is a Logan style finale directed by the Coen Brothers. level 2 Don't do that, don't give me hope. level 1 A record previously thought unbreakable. level 1 Great for this movie, but feels slightly like a technicality as American Sniper isnt eligible as its technically a December 2014 release. level 1 Paul Blart: Mall Cop changed my life. level 1 Bad Boys For Life will never change my life the way Paul Blart did. level 1 Not much of a feat really. A place to talk about the box office, both domestically and internationally. Reddit Inc 2020. All rights reserved.

Level 1 Wasnt this supposed to do like 35? Huge huge win for the studio. Happy for Will Smith too level 2 It's getting way better reviews than I was expecting. Buzz sounds super positive for it overall. Sure that's a big part of it. level 2 What about Martin Lawrence? level 2 I hope we might see the return of more middle budget films. Not everything needs to be a 200 million+ budget special effects fest. level 2 100M OW Birds of prey here we go level 2 You pay attention to crap like that? Why? level 1 Congrats on the newly viable franchise, Sony. level 2 After so many years of trying, too level 2 To be fair, it was a viable franchise 12 years ago, too. Not sure why it took them so long to get this movie in theaters. But, damn, I am glad to see people were as hyped for it as I was. level 2 That was exactly my reaction when I saw the headline too! Holy shit! level 2 Box Office Pro arent all that good at predicting. They said I was thinking 40-45m so yes this is a major breakout. level 1 Really impressive with all the competition out this week to level 2 Well the implosion of Dolittle might have helped level 1 Happy for Will Smith and Sony. level 2 Just going to do Martin Lawrence like that.

Level 1 On track to be first 100M movie of the year level 2 I wonder what Bay thinks about this. First, another director was able to take his Transformers franchise and make a film with the best critical reception thus far. Now, someone else was able to do the exact same with his Bad Boys franchise. level 2 I was going to say that 1917 would probably just pip it (or they both cross on the same day) but I guess thats technically a 2019 film. level 2 Am getting to old for this shit level 1 BAD BOYS FOR LIFE 37. 7M Overseas Opening Weekend 105. 8M Global Opening Weekend (through Monday) level 2 Seems like the Movie is doing a lot better stateside than in other places. Did it not open anywhere yet? level 1 Sony is on 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 level 1 Bad Boys 4 inevitable now level 2 Damn they wasted this title then smh. level 2 They confirmed it they got who is doing the script for national treasure 3 to do bad boys 4 level 1 Sony's having a great weekend. level 2 "From now on, thats how you open. level 1 Hopefully, it goes higher to 70M 4-day and 60M 3-day. level 2 It probably will. The Sunday drop is 38.

Level 1 Open Softly that's putting it very lightly. level 2 Budget wise - its about the equivalent of Venom opening to 5M. So pretty softly level 1 2. 5 million. a 50 million budget? Poor Paramount. Wonder Park, Dora, Gemini Man, Terminator, and now Rhythm Section. Ive got my hopes in Sonic being a light hit though level 2 Who puts 50 million into an original or based on something so obscure it might as well be original Blake Lively action film anyway? level 2 Dora and the Lost City of Gold made 120M on a budget of 50M which is okay. But yeah, I hope Sonic gives Paramount the hit they need. level 2 Paramount's exposure is at least only 30m of that budget for most of the world, which isn't as bad as if they funded the whole thing. Plus of course the 25m P&A. Still bad but isn't near their worst of the last year. level 2 Hah yeah Terminator only noticed today that if failed to pass MiB:International worldwide which is just atrocious. As to poor Paramount they are now a tiny part of ViacomCBS though I wouldn't want to be the people who green lighted all those films. level 1 Gretel flopped and Rhytm Section bombed hard. At least the former has a very low budget. Thankfully Paramount's next three movies (Sonic, A Quiet Place 2, The Lovebirds) will likely turn into profit to make up for this bomb. level 1 Has anyone seen either the rhythm section or Gretel & Hansel? Curious how they are; was looking forward to both. level 2 I saw The Rhythm Section. It was okay. I wouldnt recommend see it in theaters unless you have something like A-List level 2 Gretel and Hansel is a slowburn arthouse horror movie that should never have received a wide release. The visuals, acting, and overall atmosphere are great, but the pacing is rough. Felt way longer than 87 minutes. Some of the story elements didn't click as well, though I did enjoy the ambition. If you enjoy heavy atmosphere over plot/thrills I'd recommend this. Most audiences will not enjoy it though. level 2 Rhythm Section: Blake Livelys good, the rest is a mess (and totally unrecognizable as something that Reed Morano would ever make. level 2 The Rhythm Section was not terrible, but it wasn't good, either. Blake Lively was fine, and I did really like a car chase sequence, but the plot was a mess. level 2 the best thing about the rhythm section was complaining about it on the ride home with my friends so dont go alone lol. there are just so many plot points that make no sense. im guessing theyre explained in the book but i kept turning to my sister going WHY. level 1 How long till Paramount looks for new leadership? level 2 Right around the time Viacom sells Paramount to Netflix some time in the next 3 years.

Sonys Bad Boys for Life, a sequel 17 years in the waiting, previewed at 3, 154 theaters last night making a great 6. 36M. That amount for the R-rated film is bigger than American Sniper‘s 5. 3M preview, which turned out to be the record opener over the 2015 MLK holiday with a 4-day of 107. 2M. The Will Smith and Martin Lawrence re-team drew 39% African american, 33% Caucasian, 17% Hispanic, 4% Asian, and 7% others. Dominant crowds were 45% males 25+ 28% females 25+ 16% males under 25, and 10% females under 25 Thursday night audience really liked what they saw giving the Adil and Bilall directed action film 4 1/2 stars and a 73% definite recommend. Universals Dolittle previews began at 5PM yesterday with a very low 925K at 3, 050 theaters. Pic expands to 4, 155 locations today. The 175M production is expected to bomb this weekend with a 24M-28M tally Exits for the Robert Downey Jr. were better among families who turned out at 43% on PostTrak with 4 1/2 stars from parents (17% and 4 1/2 stars from kids under 12 (26. General audiences at 57% stuck their tongues out at the taking animal movie giving it 2 1/2.





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